Sunday, July 17, 2011

Decorating. Crafting. Living.

Decorating an entire home can become, and is a daunting task.  It would be so much easier if you had endless funds and time to think up projects and complete them.  Lets be honest through, our time gets filled up much to quickly, and our wallets empty much to fast.  We might think of a great idea, but by the time we get an afternoon to start it, we've forgotten what it was we were intending to do.  I have been there.
 I have struggled with the fact that I can't fix all that I see 'wrong' with the rooms in my home in one weekend.  For me decorating is an evolving process, one that actually I enjoy not rushing.  It is amazing how when you are forced to take your time, you become inspired by many different things, things you might have missed if you had sped through the process.
My approach on design is one of creativity, using materials in a cost effective way and having fun.  I have learned that sometimes the end result doesn't happen quickly.  This blog will embrace that, and hopefully give you some inspirations to begin the road to design in your own life.

Decorating. Crafting. Living.

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